Friday, February 6, 2015


Nolan is now 6 months old!  He can sit up (but gets easily distracted), he loves bouncing in his jumper, and he is a fan of applesauce!  He is not so much a fan of prunes... but I had to try!  He would love to crawl forward, but so far has only managed to propel himself backward, away from what he is trying to get.  One of my favorite times with Nolan is right after he wakes up.  When I go in to pick him up from his crib, he just gives the most heart melting smile!  We are so blessed to have him for our son!
Nolan also gave us all quite a scare in the past few weeks.  He has had a large head since he was born, but his pediatrician was concerned because of how quickly it was growing.  Dr. Hauffe had us come in when Nolan was 5 months old for a growth check, to measure his weight and head circumference.  His weight was fine, but Dr. Hauffe said that his head was growing faster than it should have been.  So he ordered a CT scan.  This was scary enough, but we were sure it was just a precaution.  I was mainly worried how Nolan would react to not being able to move for 3-5 minutes.  Fortunately, Chuche did an excellent job keeping him awake all day and Nolan fell asleep :-)  Unfortunately, I got a call from Dr. Hauffe about an hour later.  I know that when doctors call so quickly, it usually isn't great news.  Dr. Hauffe told us that, thankfully, it wasn't internal hydrocephalus, which would have been dangerous and needed more treatment.  I was excited to hear this! But then he said that the radiologist had noticed that there was some areas of concern where he had seen some fluid or swelling.  He recommended we see a neurosurgeon.  This was terrifying.  Thank God we have so much support around us or I don't know how we would have survived the horrible 2 week wait to see the neurosurgeon.  We were lucky enough that both my parents came down to Champaign to support us and go with is.  Once we got there, the neurosurgeon looked at the CT scan, felt Nolan's head, asked about his milestones, and observed him.  After all this, the neurosurgeon told us that it appeared to be something called benign external hydrocephalus.  He said that this is not a rare condition and that it has no adverse effects.  It usually resolves itself by the time a child is 1.  This was extremely relieving!
After the good news :-)
Nolan also had his first photoshoot!  He did a great job!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

5 Months Old!

This post is a little late, but Nolan turned 5 months old on Wednesday!  He is a very active little guy who loves playing in his bouncer, practicing standing up, and rolling over.  At his four month check up, Dr. Hauffe suggested we start trying some solids. He has so far tried rice cereal (not a big a fan) and pears (he was alright with them).  His little personality is starting to show more and more and we are so thankful to have such an amazing little guy!
Bumbo time!
First Christmas! 
Family trip to Wisconsin Dells :) Nolan loves the water!
Buddies :)
Memaw with Elsa and Nolan
5  months!
Nope, sorry Mom, I would rather roll over than pose for pictures!
Big Boy!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bad Blogger!

So as many people have told me,  I suck at blogging (thanks Becki and Matt). Since Nolan's one month, many things have happened...

His cousin Quinn was born...

Nolan turned 2 months old...
Quinn was baptized (Kaylee and I are Godmothers)...
Nolan turned 3 months old (and Halloween happened!)...
His cousin Elsa turned 1...
Thanksgiving happened...

Nolan turned 4 months old...
And Christmas happened!
The Christmas outfit quickly got dirty!
Other things happened too, such as me going back to work, Nolan sleeping through the night (yay!), and I'm sure I missed some other events. I promise to try to be a better blogger!  Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

One month old!!!

Nolan is one month old!!! Well, actually, he is 6 weeks tomorrow.  It is crazy how fast this time has gone by.  We brought Nolan in for his one month check-up last week, and to quote Dr. Hauffe, he is perfect!  Which we already knew as his parents, but it is nice to hear someone else say it :)  He weighed 9 lbs 13.5 oz (45th percentile), was 20 5/8 inches long (14th percentile, short, like his parents), and his head was in the 90th percentile range! It has been an amazing first month and we can't wait to celebrate many more :)

Hanging with Memaw
We have a one month old!

1 month!
Model Pose

Daddy and Nolan

Hi Mommy!

I'm cute at 3 am!

The changing table is my favorite place to hang out!

Soto loves him...

Our little man :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Daddy's Birthday!

Today is Chuche's 34th birthday!!  Nolan and I are both so blessed to have him in our lives.  Throughout the pregnancy, Chuche was there for me and always willing to go the extra mile to make my life a little easier.  Then, during the loooooong and painful labor, Chuche was my rock and stayed strong for me.  Now, as a Dad, he is amazing.   He takes midnight feedings when he doesn't have to work, he changes diapers, does laundry, and overall is just an awesome husband and dad.  I don't know what I would do without him!  Happy Birthday, Chuche!!! We love you!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Three weeks old!

Today, Nolan is 3 weeks old!  He has had lots of visitors and has made a trip home to Hollowayville and DePue.  Overall, he is a great baby :)  Mommy and Daddy are both tired, but love spending time with their little man.  Here are some pictures from over the past couple weeks:
Smiling for Papa

Thanks Auntie Sarah...

Hi Mommy! I'm cute at 2:30am!

And now... serious face.

Snuggling time.

Papa and Nolan nap time!

Helping Mommy at school

Funny faces

What am I thinking about....?

Serious pose!

Memaw has taught me well.

Visiting GH friends!